Cogito Tronic

Cogito Tronic is my company .
My business with this company consist in the designing of mechatronic systems on demand.
The company was created while I was student in order to respond to requests which were made to me because I was able to meet the demand.
Those request consist in the realization of mechatronic systems non existing on the market or expertises to choose and use products existing in the market to solve customers problems.
My credo : There is no problem, there are only solutions !


Status : auto-entrepreneur
Compagny name: Cogito Tronic
Siret: 800 811 903 00015
Subjects: Research and development in mechatronics, technology, electronics, prototyping and small series, expertise, advice.
Examples : Implementation of complementary solutions for existing automated systems, designing of complete machine to meet the needs when the solution is not yet available on the market.
Partnership : I further have no concrete partnership. Do not hesitate to contact me if interested.
Strength : Technical skills, wide area covered, experience, resourcefulness, good capacity in exchange with customers and professionalism (highlighted by different customers during our trades).

Fell free to contact me for more informations
Telephone : 06 44 77 56 04
E-mail :