An endless wheel …
Leave the system and you will realize that you can not live without, as you can not live alone. Then you will wish to join it, follow the system and you will see that it has no sense and it must be change. Try to change it, you will realize that it is impossible to make it alone and you will be tempted to leave it …
Thought of the day
There comes a time when one must make a choice, follow the system, quit it or change it … Most of the people, brainwashed by the system, make the choice to follow it without thinking about it while some make it with reasons… Anyway keep in mind that we always have the choice, you just have to pay the costs …
Thought of the day
Life is a game in hardcore mode, the slightest mistake is fatal , time is running out whitout being able to pause it, we have only one party and zero cheat code …
Thought of the day
Some say that to be sure not to be disappointed, just do not expect anything from life … But this is like saying that to be sure of not losing, just do not play! unfortunately if you do not play is that you know that you have already lost , and if you decide to expect nothing from life, basically, you are already disappointed …